12/6/2024, 8:43:37 AM

Engine data for this year

Engine Raptor 2 Merlin Vac Merlin Falcon First Stage SuperDraco
Longest 897 443 202 87 13
Shortest -1 8 2 51 5
Average 57 191.3 125.9 75.1 8.3
Total 1106 268 253 7 3

Stand data for this year

Stand Tripod Falcon Stage Two MVac Horizontal Vertical Merlin Falcon Stage One SuperDraco
Longest 897 443 390 378 204 202 87 13
Shortest -1 25 8 -1 -1 2 51 5
Average 53.8 217.5 168.7 56.1 60.6 125.9 75.1 8.3
Total 328 124 144 385 393 253 7 3

Weekday Average Tests

The record for the most amount of tests is 44 on October 23rd 2024
The record for the most amount of firings is 44 on October 23rd 2024

Weekday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
236 319 373 339 319 44 7