7/27/2024, 2:20:46 AM

Engine data for this year

Engine Merlin Vac Raptor 2 Merlin Falcon First Stage
Longest 443 378 202 87
Shortest 8 -1 2 51
Average 190.6 65.3 129 74.4
Total 157 646 136 5

Stand data for this year

Stand Falcon Stage Two Horizontal MVac Vertical Merlin Tripod Falcon Stage One
Longest 443 378 345 204 202 189 87
Shortest 25 -1 8 4 2 -1 51
Average 221.5 63.1 162.3 75.4 129 55 74.4
Total 75 228 82 236 136 182 5

Weekday Average Tests

The record for the most amount of tests is 12 on June 27th 2024
The record for the most amount of firings is 12 on June 27th 2024

Weekday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
140 191 196 185 205 24 3