3/11/2025, 3:38:08 AM

Engine data for this year

Engine Merlin Vac Raptor 2 Merlin Falcon First Stage Raptor
Longest 356 280 210 77 60
Shortest 161 0 1 76 10
Average 194.3 65.6 128.6 76.5 40
Total 53 165 54 2 4

Stand data for this year

Stand Falcon Stage Two Horizontal Vertical Merlin MVac Falcon Stage One Raptor South
Longest 356 280 260 210 198 77 60
Shortest 207 1 0 1 161 76 10
Average 224.7 56.8 82.1 128.6 165 76.5 40
Total 26 108 57 54 27 2 4

Weekday Average Tests

The record for the most amount of tests is 13 on January 29th 2025
The record for the most amount of firings is 13 on January 29th 2025

Weekday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
38 49 60 54 62 10 5